Saturday, December 15, 2012

"Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology" Ch. 5

"Home schooling has been successful at improving student learning." pg 67

My brother was homeschooled, and I was about to be homeschooled. My mother wasn't working at the time, so she was able to do so. I find it interesting how successful students who are homeschooled are; it shows that a teacher must really care, rather than remember everything they learned in their education to become a teacher.

"...we argue that innovations in workplace environments will soon influence learning throughout education." pg 71

This section reminds me of "just-in-time learning" from earlier in the book. I believe this is an important style of learning, and as technology improves it will only become more important.

"Distance education has already spread widely, and it will inevitably keep growing in the coming decades." pg 75

I don't disapprove of distance learning, but it seems that it destroys an interaction between student and teacher. If distance learning were to ever reach the younger grades I believe it would be a problem, as human interaction is an important part of the learning process.

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