Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts chapter 7 & 9

When looking at Chapter 7's review of Flickr in education, I would have to say the most useful feature of Flickr in the classroom is its annotation feature. Annotating images can be extremely useful for the classroom; I can see it being very useful to teach geography, especially in the secondary setting. You can take an image of a mountain range and annotate its different features, from plataeus to distinct peaks. It also allows for students to annotate images themselves, such as giving them a quiz to identify different features of a mountain range.

Chapter 9 was focused on social networking. I agree there are some ways you cvan integrate it into the classroom, but only if they are networks such as Ning where the educator has a lot more control. Integrating Facebook in the classroom does not seem like a good idea at all and can only lead to problems. I recently attended a presentation by a lawyer who deals with a lot of educational law, and she gave many reasons on how Facebook can never be a good idea. Facebook involves integration into personal lives, and it would be extremely difficult and risky to set up a classroom network via Facebook as it has a very high chance of crossing into personal information.

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