Monday, October 15, 2012

Digital Nation Response

In all honesty, documentaries like this turn me off from technology; it scares me to look at all of those M.I.T. students wired to their technology. Obviously, technology has its benefits, and I would probably be better off embracing it rather than turning away from it. However, I feel that it is becoming a huge crutch for students in a lot of ways as well. We are becoming very reliant on technology and I feel it is a cause for some mental decay amongst all of us, especially students of today. We are less serious about our multiplication tables because of our calculators, less serious about our grammar because of auto-correct, and so on. We're losing the "hard" in "hard work", and I would say technology is a large part of that.
As a teacher I would work hard to incorporate technology while keeping this in mind. While no one is perfect and it would generate more that I would have to do in an already crammed curriculum, I would try to put emphasis on the traditional way of doing things while teaching the new way involving technology of doing it. I also hope to spark this sort of awareness in my students, telling them that it is important to learn how to do things without a "crutch", so to speak.

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