Sunday, September 16, 2012

Multitasking discussion questions

1. Multitasking could be detrimental to whatever tasks you are trying to accomplish. While it seems obvious to me that browsing Facebook during a lecture is never a good idea, if I am trying to do two things that are important for me to do, such as listen to somebody talk and work on homework at the same time, I can be losing focus on either one and could be doing a bad job listening to the person and a bad job on my homework. It is important that I focus on one task and do it right, rather than juggle several tasks at once and do a worse job on all of them. Plus, if I focus on one task, I can get it done quicker.
2. Laptop computers and any other sort of technology can be a powerful tool to students in the classroom, but also a large distraction. It is important to utilize technology in a way that won't be a distraction.
3. I will make sure that my students are utilizing their time correctly when they use technology in the classroom. If I have students in my classroom who have phones or laptops, I will make sure to stress the importance of not multitasking in a bad way, such as browsing Facebook while listening to a lecture. I will try and promote the only multitasking one should be doing while listening to a lecture: taking notes.

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